Superfoods pack a punch that’s pleasing to your palate and your physique. From cancer prevention and brain health to beautiful skin and weight management, adding the right foods to your daily diet makes a huge difference. Check out this list of 50 superfoods to shop for in 2020. Though the foods are broken down by major benefit, you’ll notice that champions such as blueberries, broccoli, and kale provide benefits for the entire body.
Superfoods for Cancer Prevention
There’s no medical evidence that a single food cures cancer, but there are hundreds of studies that show certain foods are high in vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids that help the body protect itself against damaged cells, cancer-causing chemicals, and tumors. From fruits and veggies to favorite seasonings, add these ingredients to your plate several times a week to lower cancer risks.
1. Papaya
Papaya’s health benefits are almost countless. It is rich in tropical goodness as well as key flavonoids that help your body fight cancer cells. Carotenes in the fruit help prevent oral cavity and lung cancer, and other ingredients contribute to the management of free radicals, which damage cells in the body. Other benefits of papaya include:
- Assistance with the control of blood pressure
- Anti-amoebic characteristics that contribute to regular bowel movements
- The prevention of blood clots through the enzyme fibrin
- Increased glow in skin when used in facial treatments
- Healthier digestion
2. Brazil Nuts
Traditional weight-loss wisdom says stay away from fatty nuts, but diet experts have learned that monounsaturated fats that come in healthy nuts lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, making them a heart-healthy snack. The nutritional benefits of brazil nuts don’t end there they also provide:
- Selenium, which increases anti-oxidants in the body and fights heart disease and cancer
- Vitamin E, which helps protect the body from free radicals and maintain skin membrane
- A combination of vitamins and minerals that provide metabolic health
- Copper to prevent bone weakness and anemia
- Manganese to help create superoxide dismutase, an important antioxidant enzyme
3. Spinach
Like broccoli and kale, spinach is loaded with properties that enhance health across your entire body. According to researchers, spinach contains over a dozen flavonoids that are beneficial in fighting cancer and inflammation in the body. The benefits of Spinach for your health are amazing, here are some to name a few:
- Protection against eye disease
- Strengthening of bones
- Balancing of the high acidic content of most American diets
- Boosting brainpower through omega-3 fatty acids
- Boosting the immune system with high concentrations of several essential vitamins
4. Seaweed
Seaweed is high in nutrients but exceptionally low in calories—a serving can be as low as 30 calories. Companies are working to incorporate seaweed into foods more palatable to western tongues, including breads, chips, and soups. According to researchers at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and elsewhere, the benefits of seaweed include:
- Strengthening of mucus that protects the wall of the gut
- Slow digestion that releases energy over time
- Prevention of high blood pressure
- Detoxification properties that may aid the body in fighting cancer
- Regulation of hormones
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes account for around 80 percent of lycopene consumption. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that fuels disease fighting capability, including battling cancerous elements. Other benefits of consuming tomatoes or tomato sauce are:
- Preservation of brain and nerve tissues
- Increased health in diabetic patients
- Reduction in bad cholesterol
- Increased heart health thanks to high levels of potassium
- Improved sleep and memory
6. Broccoli
Like most high-performing greens, broccoli is high in carotenoids, which help your body rid itself of harmful compounds. Broccoli is the only green veggie with a high level of sulforaphane. Sulforaphane flushes cancer-causing chemicals from the body, making broccoli a champion among superfoods. Other benefits of broccoli include:
- Increased heart health
- Possible increases in cognitive functioning
- Reduction in tumor growth
- Better digestive health due to high fiber
- Help maintaining weight while consuming daily nutrition requirements
7. Black Raspberries
Every type of berry offers health benefits, and most provide some cancer-prevention properties, but black raspberries are some of most powerful berries you can pop in your mouth or toss in your smoothie. Reasons to choose black raspberries include:
- The antioxidants included are more than two times better at battling certain free radicals than those included in other berry types
- High phenolic compound levels fight disease
- Studies show black raspberries may reduce tumor growth
- High levels of ellagic acid, which acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral
- Possible reduction in the risk of esophageal and colon cancers
8. Walnuts
One look at the cranium-like surface of the inner walnut, and you might guess the nut is good for brain health. You’d be right—walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote brain functions. Other benefits of walnuts are:
- Cancer-prevention through antioxidants and other ingredients
- Lower blood pressure
- High levels of popyphenolic antioxidants, which means as little as five or six nuts a day help free the body of free radicals
- Skin and membrane protection from vitamin E
- Higher energy levels from iron, manganese and zinc
9. Garlic
According to the National Cancer Institute, garlic consumption may reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer, though recommended portions aren’t known. In addition to possible cancer prevention benefits, garlic can:
- Help with weight control
- Treat psoriasis and cold sores
- Prevent the common cold
- Help grow a healthy head of hair
- Reduce acne
Superfoods for Digestion
Lower your chances at a miserable evening by making digestive-based meal decisions throughout the day. Incorporating certain foods into your diet helps your digestive tract function efficiently, reducing the chances of heart burn, stomach aches, or reflux.
10. Black Pepper
Once used as a currency in some nations, it is now a common, inexpensive spice that brings digestive and other health benefits of black pepper to any recipe. Add a pinch of pepper to your meal to:
- Increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach to improve digestion
- Reduce intestinal gas
- Promote urination
- Stimulate fat cell breakdown
- Add antioxidants to your recipe
11. Lentils
Soluble fiber helps regulate digestion, but insoluble fiber prevents constipation and helps reduce the risk of disorders such as diverticulitis. Lentils have many health benefits and bring a lot of soluble fiber to the table as well as these things:
- Reduction in the risk of heart disease
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Help stabilizing blood sugar levels
- Increased energy from lean proteins
- Help with weight loss because lentils are a low calorie, high nutrient food
12. Fish Oil
You can take fish oil pills to get some benefit of this fabulous food, but opting for the real thing in the form of wild-caught fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, or salmon is best. In addition to digestive help, benefits from fish oil include:
- Omega-3 fatty acids that promote brain health
- Reduced symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome
- Lean proteins that fuel the body without adding weight
- Increased cardiovascular health
- Possible help with cancer prevention
13. Ginger
Ginger is a traditional treatment for stomachaches, and science supports the belief that it’s good for your belly. The root speeds up digestion, moving food to the upper intestine from the stomach. Ginger can also be used as a natural:
- Pain reliever
- Anti-cancer agent
- Cognitive enhancer
- Nausea remedy
- Menstrual symptom reliever
14. Peppermint
Peppermint has several digestive benefits, but the best one may be the taste. Add some pop to a cool glass of water with fresh peppermint leaves or work peppermint oil into a variety of recipes. Peppermint has been shown to be an effective natural remedy for:
- Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
- Indigestion
- Nausea
- Tension headaches
- Stuffy nose
15. Pineapple
Pineapples are a digestive cocktail shaken in a spiny tumbler. The fruit contains dietary fiber, Vitamin C, and bromelain—not to mention plenty of moisture—all of which combine to improve digestive health. Other health benefits of pineapple include:
- Increased immune functions
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Reduced free radicals in the body
- Anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the chance of bronchitis
- Reduced symptoms of sore throat or gout
16. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut isn’t likely something you think of when someone says superfood. In fact, it’s often a condiment for junk food. However, any fermented food is good for the digestion, and sauerkraut has the added nutritional benefits of cabbage. Health benefits include:
- Bacteria that makes the food easy to digest
- High fiber content that promotes regularity
- High levels of anthocyanin and Vitamin K that promote brain health
- Compounds that dry oily skin
- Compounds that detox the body
17. Water
Perhaps you don’t consider water a food, but among the things you imbibe or consume, water is the queen of the ball. Staying hydrated promotes balanced digestive health and helps foods pass efficiently through your system. Other benefits of getting your eight cups a day include:
- Clearer, more hydrated skin
- A reduced intake of calories, especially if water is taken before a meal
- Reduced muscle fatigue
- Better kidney health
- More efficient removal of toxins from the body
Superfoods for Heart and Cardiovascular
Clinicians and physical fitness experts have beat the drum of aerobic exercise for years. Getting your heart pounding a few times a week is essential to cardiovascular health, but so are some of the best superfoods.
18. Tart Cherry Juice
Tart cherry juice has one of the highest abilities to absorb oxygen free radicals among fruits, and it competes with many leafy greens when it comes to cancer and disease prevention properties. Other health benefits of tart cherry juice include:
- Healthier cardiovascular function
- Hardier immune system
- Faster recovery from exercise fatigue
- Increased brain function
- Healthier sleep patterns
19. Spirulina
Spirulina is an algae rich in a number of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. You can purchase it in pill, flake, or powder form and add it to smoothies or recipes. Researchers are still working to understand all the health benefits of spirulina, which could include treatment for HIV and herpes. Known benefits include:
- Increased immune support, which may increase the body’s ability to prevent or fight disease
- Healthier heart functions
- Possible protection against allergic reactions
- Possible reduced risk of oral cancer
- Possible reduced risk of liver disorders
20. Parsley
Often used to decorate a dish, parsley actually comes with its fair share of nutritional power. The herb features a high concentration of man important vitamins and minerals, as well as chlorophyll. Juicing is one of the best ways to receive all the health benefits of parsley, such as:
- A reduced risk of heart attack through blood vessel protection and conversion of dangerous molecules
- Increased immune function
- Reduction of the damage done to cells by free radicals
- Reduced bloating during menstruation
- Reduced urinary tract, kidney, or bladder problems
21. Wheatgrass
Like parsley, wheatgrass is a superfood best enjoyed by juicing, though you can purchase specialty food items that contain wheatgrass. Raw or juiced there are many health benefits of wheatgrass that include the following.
- Wheatgrass contains an enzyme that breaks down superoxide radicals into a form the body can better manage, which slows the aging process.
- Chlorophylls in wheatgrass diminish the impact of harmful bacteria, helping the body fight disease.
- Chlorophylls purify the body, especially areas such as the liver.
- Wheatgrass promotes heart health and better blood flow.
- Chlorophylls help the body manage blood sugar levels.
22. Dark Chocolate
A little treat does your emotional health good, and with dark chocolate, the benefits extend to physical health as long as you consume in moderation. A study conducted in 2012 found that dark chocolate was linked to a reduction in nonfatal strokes and heart attacks when consumed daily. Other benefits of this semi-sweet treat include:
- Chances of reduced blood pressure
- A lower chance of blood clots
- Reduced inflammation
- Improved cognitive functioning
- Improved mood
23. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Incorporate this super food into your diet without making huge changes to the daily dinner menu. Replace butter with extra-virgin olive oil when cooking vegetables or seasoning and toasting bread. Create your own flavored dressed by adding healthy spices such as garlic or turmeric to EVOO. Benefits of regular EVOO consumption include:
- A reduced risk of heart attack
- Reduced cholesterol
- Help managing blood sugar levels
- Reduced inflammatory properties when compared with non-virgin olive oils
- Reduced risk of breast, digestive, or respiratory cancer, as illustrated by a review of 25 extensive studies
24. Grapefruit
Like any citrus fruit, grapefruits offer a lot of vitamin C, which means they boost immune system functionality. High concentrations of the vitamin have been shown to reduce the risk of heart-related issues, including stroke and heart attack. Other health benefits of grapefruit include:
- Cancer prevention that comes from lycopene
- Protection against Alzheimer’s disease.
- Detoxification of the liver
- Possible prevention of breast cancer
- Lower cholesterol
25. Oatmeal
Hot oatmeal in the morning is a go-to breakfast for busy moms who care about nutrition, but a bowl a day brings huge heart benefits to adults as well. According to dietician Lauren Graf, oatmeal is high in soluble fiber, which absorbs bad cholesterol in the digestive track. The stuff that skyrockets cholesterol levels is eliminated from the body and not passed into the blood stream. Consuming regular portions of oatmeal also:
- Reduces your chance of high blood pressure
- Provides antioxidants that fight free radicals
- Prevent arteries from hardening
- Stabilizes blood sugar levels
- Reduces the chance of breast cancer
Superfoods for Brain
Think smarter when you plan your meals, and you could positively impact brain health and long-term cognitive capability. Make good food decisions now to protect future mental capacity—choose superfoods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and other brain boosting properties.
26. Wild Salmon
Purchase wild-caught salmon for a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to be essential fuel for brain function. Experts recommend adults eat two four-ounce portions of omega-3-rich fish, such as salmon, each week. Other health benefits of salmon include:
- Anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to peptides in the fish
- Decreased risk of stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia
- Improved cognition
- Improved mood
- Decreased risk of chronic dry eye and macular degeneration
27. Hemp Seed
Like flax, hemp seed is rife with essential amino acids. In fact, it contains all nine amino acids as well as a healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid balance, all of which contributes to brain health. Other health benefits of hemp seed include:
- Reduced gas and bloating when compared to whey
- No phytic acid, which prevents your body from absorbing minerals
- Stability of omega fatty acid balance
- Digestible proteins fuel the body efficiently
- Improved immune system
28. Arugula
Arugula is one of the parts of the salad that looks especially leafy, and according to the Romans, regular consumption of arugula increases sex appeal. Health benefits of arugula include:
- Improved brain function due to a number of vitamins and minerals
- Help with maintaining weight by adding the low-calorie green to sandwiches, wraps, and salads
- Improved bone health
- Prevention of cancer with antioxidants
- Hydration, even during hot months
29. Avocado
Before you pass on the guacamole or avocado salad based on fat totals, consider the brain-benefits of this fatty fruit. Since avocado is high in calories, author and doctor Ann Kulze advises moderation—add a quarter of the fruit as a side dish to one or two meals a week. The health benefits of avocado include:
- Increased healthy blood flow
- Lower blood pressure and reduced risk for hypertension
- Higher cognitive functioning related to lower blood pressure
- Reduction in bad cholesterol levels with the help of monounsaturated fats, which make up most of the calories in an avocado
- Cancer prevention provided by phytochemicals
30. Blueberries
Pop them like candy, but unlike Smarties, these sweet berries actually boost brainpower. Research indicates blueberries may reduce age-related symptoms from dementia. Blueberries:
- Help protect the brain from stress related to oxidative processes
- Improve learning capacity
- Improve fine motor skills
- Help regulate blood sugar
- Combat free radicals that damage cell structures
Superfoods for Skin and Hair
What you digest on the inside often has a direct relation to how you look on the outside. Fight the signs of aging or boost the sheen of skin and hair with health foods and beverages that create beauty from the inside out.
31. Almond Milk
Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins for skin health, and a single serving of almond milk contains 50 percent of the recommended daily value. In addition to regulating skin health, there are many other benefits of almond milk:
- Keep eye functions at desired levels
- Maintain strong bones
- Regulate blood sugar levels
- Maintain good hearth health and blood pressure levels
- Muscles absorb energy necessary for repair and growth
32. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil doesn’t have to be consumed to deliver health benefits. Rubbing oil on skin increases hydration and blocks harmful UV rays, and applying the oil to hair protects against damage. Health benefits of eating coconut oil include:
- A possible reduction in seizure activity
- Reduction in hunger
- Help fighting bacteria and infections
- Increased energy
- Therapeutic impact for some brain disorders
33. Carrots
Everyone knows carrots offer benefits for eye health, but did you know chomping on a carrot helps maintain beautiful skin? Some benefits of adding raw carrots to your diet include:
- Large amounts of Vitamin A, which help repair skin
- Protection against UV rays
- Carotenoids in carrots may help prevent cancer
- Possible help regulating blood sugar
- Improved immune functions
34. Kale
A leader among superfoods, kale brings benefits to the entire body. A high amount of Vitamin C boosts natural collagen, increasing skin elasticity. Kale is also high in copper, protecting your skin from exposure and inflammation. Other benefits include:
- Promotion of cell growth from Vitamin A
- Increased scalp circulation that boosts hair growth
- Reduced bloating
- Increased brain health and cognition due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids
- Increased heart health due to high carotenoid levels
Superfoods for Weight Loss
Most people looking to shed pounds know about the weight loss benefits of celery, which takes more calories to digest than it includes. Your search for weight loss foods shouldn’t be limited to the lowest calorie veggies—include some of these powerful superfoods to manage hunger and burn fat.
35. Dried Mulberries
Mulberries feature plenty of vitamins and nutrients, but only 43 calories per 100 grams of berries, making them a great snack or side dish for those looking to lose weight. The health benefits of white mulberry tea are also tremendous. Other benefits of dried mulberries include:
- Protection against stroke
- Potential cancer prevention
- Removal of harmful free radicals in the body
- Protection for the eye from harmful UV rays
- Increased ability for the blood to carry oxygen
36. Cilantro
Cilantro promotes fat reduction in the body, making it a great herb for us in diet recipes. In addition to a tasty dinner, you’ll also reap all the health benefits of cilantro:
- A number of antioxidants, which help your body fight disease and cancer
- Improved cardiovascular health due to help reducing bad cholesterol
- Lower blood sugar levels
- Reduced anxiety and discomfort due to muscle-relaxing properties
- Improved quality of sleep
37. Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts are a great source of over a dozen vitamins and minerals, making them an easy addition to a low-calorie, high-nutrition diet for weight loss. In addition to being good for the waistline, the benefits of Brussels sprouts are amazing:
- Detoxification
- Antioxidants for prevention of cancer
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Support of the cardiovascular system
- Ability to lower cholesterol
38. Apples
An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it could also help keep unwanted pounds off. Apples are a great low-calorie snack that features antioxidants that could help reduce the chance of metabolic problems. Other benefits include:
- A high fiber content that promotes digestive health
- The stimulation of saliva, which can reduce tooth decay
- Protection against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases
- Possible cancer-protection properties
- A decreased risk of diabetes in women who eat one apple a day
39. Buckwheat Pasta
Don’t forgo your favorite pasta dishes; instead, substitute regular pasta for buckwheat, which is high in protein and harder to overindulge on. The benefits of buckwheat pasta include:
- A lower risk of diabetes, especially when you use it to replace traditional pasta
- Improved cardiovascular health
- Phytonutrients that make the pasta as health promoting as fruit
- Reduced chance of breast cancer
- Increased digestive health, which helps boost weight loss efforts.
40. Goji Berries
Toss aside the grapes, which are high in calories and sugars, and snack on Goji berries instead. Reasons to choose these exotic looking berries include:
- Eighteen amino acids, which mean the berries are a great source of protein
- Hunger reducing properties
- The berries are a filling snack with only 35 calories
- A boost for the immune and nervous systems
- Increased brain and muscle functionality
41. Pomegranates
Keep your sweet tooth in check with pomegranate seeds, which are low in calories. Other benefits include:
- Disease-fighting antioxidants
- High fiber content that supports digestive regularity
- Improves blood flow for better cardiovascular health
- Slows the growth of prostate cancer
- Reduction of bad cholesterol
42. Yogurt
Plain yogurt sports a combo of fat, protein, and carbs without a high calorie price tag, making it a perfect food for inclusion in any diet. Some benefits of eating yogurt include:
- Stable blood sugar levels
- Active cultures that promote gut and digestive health
- Reduced risk of vaginal infections
- Improved immune systems
- Possible prevention of osteoporosis
Superfoods for the Immune System
Sneeze or sniffle one too many times in the office, and someone’s bound to suggest a round of orange juice and chicken soup. Though both do boost your immune system, they aren’t the only foods that help you steer clear of the sickbed.
43. Kiwi
Kiwi is high in both antioxidants and vitamin C, making it an immunity-boosting powerhouse. Slice it up for breakfast or a snack to get other health benefits of kiwi, such as:
- Protection for oxidative damage that occurs to DNA over time
- Help managing blood pressure level with high potassium intake
- Assistance with digestion, such as that received when eating papaya or pineapple
- Removal of toxins from the body
- Reduced intestinal issues or constipation
44. Onion
Onions are often overlooked in the superfood arena because of their common place at the table or in recipes, but they are a high-performing food that keeps up with more infamous fruits and veggies. Health benefits of onions include:
- Enhanced immune functionality
- Protection for the cardiovascular and nervous systems
- Promotion of health hormone functions
- Reduced chances of food-borne illnesses
- Cancer prevention
45. Mango
High concentrations of vitamin C, vitamin A, and copper mean mango is beneficial to the immune system. Other beneficial properties of mango include:
- Potassium, which helps promote heart health
- Antioxidants that help the body fight against cancer
- Pyridoxine, which is required for certain hormones to be produced in the brain
- Carotenoids that promote heart and overall health
- Antioxidants that are essential for eye health
46. Green Tea
Whether you drink it iced or warm, green tea is packed with powerful nutrients and a surprising number of antioxidants. The beverage includes bioactive compounds that boosts the immune system and improves overall health. Other benefits include:
- Increased brain function and cognitive ability
- Increased fat burning for reduced weight
- Reduced risk of cancer
- A 20 percent reduction in the risk of heart disease for individuals who consume four cups a day
- Reduced risk of Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s.
47. Honey
Used as a natural remedy for years, honey is often added to hot beverages to sooth coughs or aching throats. Other benefits of the bee’s labor include:
- The treatment of indigestion or acid reflux
- Use as an antibacterial to fight off viruses
- A boost to immune system processes
- The possibility of preventing a reduced white blood cell count, according to the Mayo Clinic
- A possible relief for seasonal allergies
48. Oranges
Pop vitamin C in one of the purest, strongest forms when you eat an orange. Boost your immune system, and don’t worry about overdoing it. The Vitamin C in an orange is water soluble, so unnecessary portions leave your body through urine. Other benefits of eating oranges include:
- Citrus limonoids, which are proven to help prevent cancer
- Soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol
- Potassium to increase heart health
- Polyphenols that fight infections
- Hesperidin, which helps to regulate blood pressure
49. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes contain a high concentration of Vitamin C, but they are also strong in Vitamin A, which boosts immune health and helps the body repair skin and other tissues. Other benefits of sweet potatoes are:
- Antioxidants that help your body fight disease such as cancer
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Help regulating blood sugar
- Antifungal properties
- More efficient brain and nerve functions
50. Turmeric
Turmeric is most commonly known as the main ingredient in curry seasoning, but it can be used as an ingredient on its own. It has a high concentration of the antioxidant curcumin, resulting in benefits that include:
- Antiviral properties
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Reduced symptoms of upset stomach
- Reduced osteoarthritis pain
- Possible relief of skin cancer
There are many foods that bring beneficial qualities to your plate. A few superfoods not mentioned here include cucumber, acai berries, and chamomile. Combine superfoods you enjoy into healthy, beneficial meals at least twice a day to improve your quality of life and long-term health.
What happens when yo take many of these super foods together? Any side affects from doing so? Should we consume these foods separately during the day or all together all at once?
i think you will become a superman.
Taking all of these super foods together would be unrealistic for most people. Just go with the most nutrient dense foods and stick with them. Superfood powders are also really handy. There’s a brilliant one by Organifi at: GreenPowderDrink.Com – Beats taking a synthetic multivitamin.
I don’t know about side effects, but I prepare a superfood smoothie for breakfast and it is fantastic! After a couple of days of doing this, I felt amazing! The smoothie includes: Baby Spinach, frozen Blueberries, (half) frozen banana, Flax, Chia and Hemp seeds, Almond Milk and sometimes I add a tablespoon of peanut butter or almonds (or protein powder). I call it my Super-Dooper Shake. 🙂
You forgot moringa and balck seed
This list is GOOD! Aligns to a lot of the research I’ve done on foods in clinical studies!
Please include the fact that there are some people who have buckwheat allergy and they might very well die if they eat it for the first time!!!! It is very DANGEROUS!!! I don’t even know how to emphasize this enough! So, please don’t eat if you’ve never tried before, especially if you’re of non-Asian descent. Only eat if you have immediate access to an ambulance or live close to a hospital that deals with anaphylaxis.
I’ve been drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning . I add a shot of Braggs Apple cider vinegar and a few “ dashes” of turmeric . I feel so much better! My joint pain in my body was so bad before I started drinking this. It works!!
I like cherry & strawberry & banana & orange & mango & pineapple
What happens when yo take many of these super foods together? Any side affects from doing so? Should we consume these foods separately during the day or all together all at once?
thank you for cumming omg yo came so much
I like cherry & strawberry & banana & orange & mango & pineapple
Your list is missing the all important mushrooms. Japan’s #1 cancer treatment is based on mushrooms.